December 5, 2007

Certain Pavakathakali Characters

‘Tadi’ is divided into ‘Vella Tadi’ (White beard) such as Hanumana with white, black, red and green paints on face. ‘Chuvanna Tadi’ (Red beard) are for demons and kings like Ravana with red, black and white paint on face, with knobs on the forehead and tip of the nose.
‘Kari’ is forest demoness with black make-up.

‘Katti’ is a common villan character with red lines on either side of nose, white moustache, red and white colours over the eyebrows and white knobs as Chavanna Tadi.

‘Pacha’ is a noble and heroic character with green face, chutti (white border) along the line of cheek bones and red lips.

‘Minukku’ is a good female character with yellow colour and natural look.

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